Friday, March 4, 2011

Android Appears to be Number 1 on Smartphone Operating Systems

While the number of smartphones keeps increasing, it seems that everyone is looking for the bragging rights of who is winning the war. I've got to admit that I was surprised to see the following post that states it is Android. While I am an Android user, I just wouldn't have thought it is currently in the lead of Apple & Rim. Here are the details:

Who is Winning the U.S. Smartphone Battle?

March 3, 2011

The answer depends on whether you�re looking at operating systems or manufacturers.

The battle for the hearts and minds of consumer smartphone owners continues to be a heated one according to data just released by The Nielsen Company. When it comes to consumer marketshare by operating system, Android (29%) appears to be pulling ahead of RIM Blackberry (27%) and Apple iOS (27%). But an analysis by manufacturer shows RIM and Apple to be the winners compared to other device makers since they are the only ones creating and selling smartphones with their respective operating systems. HTC follows with 12 percent of consumer smartphone owners having an HTC Android device and 7 percent owning an HTC device running a Microsoft OS. Ten percent of consumer smartphone owners had a Motorola Android device and one percent owned a Motorola device running a Microsoft OS.

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