Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google is Saying it Activates 500,000 Android Devices Every Day

It's a scary number. Every day half a million Android devices are activated and that number continues to grow by 4.4 percent every week. That is according to Andy Rubin, a vice president for engineering at Google. He's the guy in charge of the Android platform and he announced this info on his Twitter account.
It seems that Google's idea of using the Microsoft model of multiple hardware providers running Android makes sense... at least for Google. Giving consumers a wide range of choices is making the Android system more and more popular.
When you add that tablets... like my Motorola Xoom are starting to pick up steam as well...
Now, don't get me wrong. Apple and RIM (maker of Blackberry) still have lots of devices on the market and the lead is a close one for Google, but the number of devices just keeps going up for the big G faster than the others.
As an Android user, I'd just like to see more and better apps. That's not asking too much is it?

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