Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sprint Gambles Big on iPhone 5

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The iPhone 5 will be announced tomorrow at the Cupertino campus and my hometown network, Sprint, is gambling big time on it.
According to sources, Sprint plans on spending about 20 billion by purchasing 30.5 million iPhones over the next 4 years. That's some pretty hefty sales.
Of course folks from Apple & Spring refused to comment, but really, the iPhone on Sprint has been pretty well known for a while now.
I love my hometown network, but they've needed to something for a while to turn things around and Apple may very well be the ticket. At least that what CEO Dan Hesse is thinking. Honestly the way the iPhone has changed mobile computing, who's going to argue? Not me.
Sprint is now hoping to chip away at AT&T and Verizon who already have the iPhone. In my opinion, the target should be AT&T. Sprint has built a screaming network while AT&T still slogs around at much slower speeds. That means that Sprint has the network that will let the IPhone shine. Here's hoping they do just that.

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